Monday, September 28, 2009

Flogging Molly Birthday

I got Jake tickets to one of his favorite bands for his birthday. Too bad they were coming a full month after his birthday had passed! Oh well! We went to the concert on Friday night and the Ute game on Saturday so it was a fun weekend.

My hair-a constant struggle

I was extremely sick of my looooong hair and it was all broken and gross so I took this picture to the stylist:

This is what I ended up with:

Are they even remotely similar? I think not! Is my hair a good 3 inches shorter than the photo, well you really can't tell bc the bottom of the photo is cut off, but it is!

Mount Timpanogas

For six years Jake has wanted to climb Timp and we finally did it! It wasn't me holding us back it! But we finally did it and although my pack was way to heavy, our tent almost fell over multiple times, and it hailed and lighteninged all night we still had fun.

Anderson Family Reunion 2009

Over Labor Day weekend we went to Anderson Family Reunion 2009. We went up to Huntsville and hung out, floated the little river, played in the lake and in general did nothing. We got a lot of reading done and I won $5 in a card game called 31. It was so nice to have a break! And we took one picture the whole weekend.